The Superstars NFTS

Floor price
All-time volume
48 items
Ethereum chain

A collecтιoɴ oғ 1/1, 1/3, or 1/5 Sυperѕтαrѕ вy JulioIglesias.eth

Eαcн Superstar нαѕ тнeιr ѕυper power αѕ α ɢιғт. For eхαмple:

· Yoυ cαɴ receιve αɴ ENS doмαιɴ.

· Yoυ cαɴ receιve more NFTs.

Whoever first has 15 NFTS of the collection, will gain the domain "ClassicArt.eth"

Super Thom Yorke
Super Thom Yorke
Super Thom YorkeThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Bowie
Super Bowie
0.0025 ETH
Super Spears
Super Spears
0.0025 ETH
Super Clint
Super Clint
0.0025 ETH
Super Scarlett
Super Scarlett
Super ScarlettThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Macaulay
Super Macaulay
Super MacaulayThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Tupac
Super Tupac
0.0025 ETH
Super Pamela
Super Pamela
0.0025 ETH
Super Jackson
Super Jackson
Super JacksonThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Will
Super Will
0.0025 ETH
Super Depp
Super Depp
0.0025 ETH
Super Bellucci
Super Bellucci
Super BellucciThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Berry
Super Berry
0.0025 ETH
Super Jenni
Super Jenni
0.0025 ETH
Super Vitalik
Super Vitalik
Super VitalikThe Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Superstars Battle Royal #4
Superstars Battle Royal #4
Superstars Battle Royal #4The Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Superstars Battle Royal #3
Superstars Battle Royal #3
Superstars Battle Royal #3The Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
Super Snoop 2
Super Snoop 2
Super Snoop 2The Superstars NFTS
0.0025 ETH
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